
Friday, March 23, 2007

"and her name is Minnie"

I lied to little kids at Jr. Achievement Day in San Francisco.

I volunteered at this work function where employees go to an elementary school and teach a class of kids K thru 5. It was my first time, and I only helped out because they were in dire need of people. I picked a class where they had a seasoned and experienced volunteer, Jorge, who had done this Jr. Achievement program about 9 times or so. I also made sure that it was a K class. Kids 5 and under, and kids shorter that I.

I didn't really know what Jr. Achievement was until this morning about 20 minutes before the class started. The program is all about teaching kids about economics and business. The K kids are taught about economics and the individual. The older kids learn about ecomonics within their family, the community, and their city, blah blah.

A lot of what we did today was read to the kids and have them do little exercises to reinforce a theme. The first story was about trade and how a kid goes to a farm. Eventually, he trades eggs for butter which then gets made into bread. We did exercises with stickers of quarters and pennies and such.

We also did an activity where the kids had to draw their favorite animal. The activity starts out with the volunteer, me, drawing my favorite animal and telling why the animal is my favorite. I panicked a little. I can't draw, and I really hoped that what I drew would be recognizable. I was so darn happy when one of the little girls recognized that I had drawn a cat. But, then I lied. I told all about my favorite animal Minnie(don't tell Daisy) and how "she" was 16 years old. I didn't want to get in to the gender issues so that's why I lied.

The kids then got to draw their favorite animal. It was funnny, but they all picked cats. It was so cute. Ealier in the day, I realized that these small kids were little copy cats. We had asked them what their favorite part of school was and all of them replied "playing". So anyway, all these kids were drawing cats, and I was so touched. When we left, we got all kinds of sweet hugs. What a fun day.

And by the way, can you guess which cat was mine?


At 4:28 PM, Blogger ~ lauren said...

wow! those are really good drawings for 5 year olds!

i'm impressed.

that sounds fun. kindergarteners are so cute. so innocent.

At 5:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the first one is your cat!

sounds like fun and they are lucky to have you for the day!

many years ago, hunny and I gave a talk for 300 hundred kids about dog sledding...the kids followed the iditarod on line and I helped in the classroom every week - that's how we got to do the talk - the principal invited us after knowing I had a sled team

we bought our sled and two of our less hyper dogs, Meeko and Bear. We were all dressed up like mushers and all but no snow. The kids had a blast and the best part was the Q&A at the was never ending...

it's cool

At 6:32 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Sounds like a cool event. And I think the first one is yours. All of them are better than my cat drawings.

At 7:09 PM, Blogger X Bunny said...

our vet has a mural of kids cat drawings on her wall--they all look like stimpy

At 7:10 PM, Blogger marscat said...

my favorite cat (sorry linda) is the last one with the Trac ears growing its belly...

and flandria did the iditarod?

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we mushed in the Sierras for several years...and the dunes in Oregon

although we did spontaneously get away on a weekend to Alaska to watch the Iditarod start, that was unforgetable and very cold experience

i know...hunny and I are very weird people

At 8:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh by the way...that mural looks cool, too

At 8:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

wait, one has ears on its belly? I'll have to go back and analyze closer

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Allison Krasnow said...

ok--too funny.
many years ago the jr. achievement program came to my elementary school in east oakland where i was a 5th grade teacher. their curriculum offended me. BUT, the guy who came to my class was super-cool. He was a head engineer for United Airlines and arranged this absolutely amazing field trip for my class to go to the United hanger at Oakland Airport and learn how planes are repared.

On a separate note...I totally tried to hide from you on the Bay Trail. I was wearing running shorts which ended up hiked up to my bra-line, work shoes, and a cable-knit turtleneck sweater. It was post-work and I was trying to get to the Berkelely Marina to scout out a picnic spot for a biking field trip I was leading soon thereafter for my 7th graders...

At 9:43 PM, Blogger PAB(a.k.a.CID) said...

junior acheivment.

that's what Tom Cruise (Joel) was into in Risky Business, right?

At 7:12 AM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

Alicat-the JR achievement program is a total capitalistic brainwasher-but our kids got to draw-I was too nervous to try the 5th grade class...

Lauren-i agree the kids were pretty good...when marscat saw my drawing she asked "did you try"..."I did"

Flandria and Chris-you're right...first one is Minnie..and how cool is sledding-wow

X-bunny-my vet has lizard pictures

Trac-they do look like ears on the belly

PAB-I saw that movie...all I remember is TC jumping on the sofa...

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Velo Bella said...

trac ears in the belly

oh mi gawd I can hardly stand it, you people are so funny

At 5:11 PM, Blogger EB said...

The first one, with the stripes in appropriate places. Kitties!


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