
Friday, June 02, 2006

Kazakhstan,capital Alma-Ata

Largest of the former Soviet republics, mineral rich Kazakhstan(established 1991) has the potential to become the major Central Asian economic power.

Kazakhs only just outnumber Russians in a multiethnic society. Stable relations with Russia, plus increased international profile, preserve relative harmony. Few Kazakh maintain a nomadic lifestyle, but Islam and loyalty to the three Hordes(clan federations) remain strong. Wealth is concentrated among former communists in the capital.

The economy is based upon vast mineral resources, notably, gas, oil, uranium, and gold. Increasing foreign investment, but living standards have fallen with market reforms to date.

Tenge = 100 tein
from Dorling Kindersley's Ultimate pocket World Factfile

Found in Korea circa 1959, but no one really knows my origins...maybe Kazakhstan...I think so.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger marscat said...

love my kazak


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