JK Rowling
Marscat is writing lots of pages so she can publish something that makes us some money so we can move out of our place that our friends call a dump. I'd like a novel or something along the lines of JK Rowlings, but Marscat doesn't write that type of stuff. She is actually hiding her writing from me, since I like the Harry Potter, Dan Brown type of fast moving superficial books. I don't do poetry or short stories, and Marscat says it's because I don't understand it. That is partially true, and partially because I don't take the time to appreciate it. Anyway, we have learned that I am not a good editor, and it's really too much pressure for me. If I say I like a certain part of what I've read, Marscat ask why? Then I have to explain myself, like in an English class. I never did like that part of English.
So today in the SF Chronicle is a nice little article about a guy travelling to Scotland. I read it and realized, he's gone to that places we were just visiting. Then I think, Marscat could have written a more interesting and far funnier travel log. Darn...
But, something will be coming soon, even if I have to self-publish it myself. I fantasize about a small book party for Marscat's stories or sending the stories off to Nora Ephron and other "women oriented" type of places. Maybe Oprah. Marscat is a darn good writer, and it's not just that I want to move out of our dumpy little place. But, that would be a nice little thing itself.
did someone say "party"?
did someone say "scribblins?"
You two must definitely come to our scribblin party...
i think Linda has the novel inside her...
Hmm Daisy looks like Emma...
Howdy Linda!
Emma is cute, we like her nose, and that pooch is very sweet looking too.
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