
Thursday, August 31, 2006

JK Rowling

Marscat is writing lots of pages so she can publish something that makes us some money so we can move out of our place that our friends call a dump. I'd like a novel or something along the lines of JK Rowlings, but Marscat doesn't write that type of stuff. She is actually hiding her writing from me, since I like the Harry Potter, Dan Brown type of fast moving superficial books. I don't do poetry or short stories, and Marscat says it's because I don't understand it. That is partially true, and partially because I don't take the time to appreciate it. Anyway, we have learned that I am not a good editor, and it's really too much pressure for me. If I say I like a certain part of what I've read, Marscat ask why? Then I have to explain myself, like in an English class. I never did like that part of English.

So today in the SF Chronicle is a nice little article about a guy travelling to Scotland. I read it and realized, he's gone to that places we were just visiting. Then I think, Marscat could have written a more interesting and far funnier travel log. Darn...

But, something will be coming soon, even if I have to self-publish it myself. I fantasize about a small book party for Marscat's stories or sending the stories off to Nora Ephron and other "women oriented" type of places. Maybe Oprah. Marscat is a darn good writer, and it's not just that I want to move out of our dumpy little place. But, that would be a nice little thing itself.


At 5:43 PM, Blogger Velo Bella said...

did someone say "party"?

At 6:12 PM, Blogger said...

did someone say "scribblins?"

At 8:38 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

You two must definitely come to our scribblin party...

At 7:30 AM, Blogger marscat said...

i think Linda has the novel inside her...

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Brent said...

Hmm Daisy looks like Emma...

Howdy Linda!

At 6:28 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

Emma is cute, we like her nose, and that pooch is very sweet looking too.


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