frig you...mother fricker...
Marscat once said that I don't like the word fricking or frigging. That is partially true. I didn't grow up saying either of those words. I didn't even know how to say fuck. I said "fock" as in rhymes with locke, until I heard my dad get mad at someone. Then I learned that it wasn't fock but fuck. I figured if you were going to get mad enough to cuss, why not say the whole darn thing. A while back I noticed that everyone was say fricking or frigging. To be in, I started saying it too. But then I wondered??? Why can you say "fricking" but not "frick you" or "frig you" or "mother fricker"...guess it's not the same.
When I was younger, another thing that I did not know was that the English called track and field: "athletics". Interesting. Some folks that I work with decided to go to an Athletics game today.
We took 1/2 day off and BARTed over to Oakland. The game was pretty fun - all 4 innings that I saw. I left early and went on a bike ride.
My bike is funny looking. Can you spot all the weird things about this road bike? Perhaps, all the cross talk has got me in a tizzy.
i spot a cat, a frickin big cat, on the top tube.
top tube is too frigging long for her...she is too stretched out
is it frickin or friggin...i'm so confused
it's a trek....
frickin' shimagnolo.
kitty looks like a sprinter.
PAB & OV - what about the bar end shifter? and what's wrong with my 8 year old trek and shimmy parts?
kitty is a sprinter...big bad girl with thighs of kitties have thighs?
WD-what TV drama would that be?- never ever heard frackin'
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