
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Team BiciChat p/b Mobile Meowzer 2008 redux

Started this session looking for my old Phonak post and went to the wrong year. But, this was a fun one to read again so thought I'd repost with some updated 2011 photos of what could have been.

Chris Horner wasn't able to replicate this Tour of Cali salute in France.

Thor's legs came around in July.

Andy Andy Andy...what could have been...

Rest day 2 wrap-up

Like the other two American teams, Columbia and Garmin-Chipotle p/b H3O, Team BiciChat has secured a major sponsorship for their team. After several years of private funding and out of pocket expense, Co-owner/manager Ms. Catwonsports was very pleased to make the announcement on the 2nd rest day of Le Tour. Co-owner/DS Ms. Marscat was equally happy with the announcement of the much longer than normal 5 year contract. We have been rewarded with our transparent system as well as our open “cat”door viewing of the team’s urine samples that any detractors may wish to analyze. We maintain that Team BiciChat is a clean team. A 5 year contract is unheard of in our sport. A contract of this magnitude allows us take a 3rd tier team to the Pro Tour level. We can recruit and develop athletes at a much younger age and see their development to a successful fruitation. Amazing. This is beyond what we had hoped for when we started looking for a partner.

Talking further about the sponsorship, the co-owners stated numerous times how this was a sponsorship for the ages. This is who and what we are: we are mobile, and we are meowzers browsers. How good can it get? Team BiciChat and Mobile Meowzer are an extraordinary partnership. We can take them to the next level with the added European exposure, and it goes without saying, that they add the financial backing to allow us to compete with the best out there. BiciChat did have other offers such as the rumored BarfoWorld. BiciChat was somewhat offended that BarfoWorld insisted on their patented brand of furball gel so that contract was going no where fast. Another sponsorship is pending for 2009. Lauren offered the tip and if all goes well, there may be a Mobile Meowzer team cam to rival that of the Garmin Chipotle in car cam at next year’s’ tour.

With the added financial backing, Team Mobile Meowzer will be able to purchase more athletes to add depth and address the weakness that this year’s Tour exposed. One new member for next year may be the Tuxedo that Lauren currently manages. The Tuxedo is agile and responds well to added diversity like the new canine addition. Two other felines that are being looked at are the brother sister act from Corralitos. CSC has two brothers, why not add a second brother-sister act to the current line-up. Not quite a Donny & Marie duo, the Corralitos crew could be called a franchise act. If we sign them up now, we are the team that others will fear in 2009. However, the Corralitos crew is so good that they may be beyond our budget. We are going to meet with their agent and discuss the possibility of a partnership. If they are beyond budget, we might take the David Millar/Slipstream approach and offer a co-owner form of contract. Either way, the Corralitos duo are a class act that will light up the 2009 Tour.

Summarizing the Tour up to this point, DS Marscat, no slouch in her day and very experienced in stage racing, maintains the Tour is the most wide open that it has been in years. Marscat said that wearing the KOM dotted jersey and the Meow Jaune were so much more than the team had expected that this Tour is a success regardless of the final third week’s outcome. Of course, we will do out best and that is what is expected in the Tour. We, like all teams, are committed to that end. Daisy came in to the event a little overweight, but so did Jan, and he still reached the podium. We have four legs while others have two, we will maximize that advantage to the fullest. Asked to address the rivals, Co-owner Catwonsports said: please just let us have our day. We know we are an unknown and that others are stronger and have proven they can win. However, we are not discounting the other unnown: CVV. We know Menchov has been a winner twice at a grand tour. We know Evans has been on the podium of Le Tour, but we are confident that what we bring no other team brings: the others have not raced Madera or Kern. We have raced both, and we have won. Yes, let me state that again, we have won Madera, and we have won Kern several times. These two stage races bring us experience and success that will be very important in this last week of Le Tour. Pressed further for clarification, Marscat admitted that the team lacks depth that the third week needs. However, she stated again that we were not a favorite, we did not come to win, and we only found ourselves in this (podium) position. We will do what we can and build on our experience this year. A podium is not out of our paw reach for 2008. And do watch for us in 2009.


At 2:45 PM, Blogger littlelamb said...

Daisy came in to the event a little overweight...

don't make fun of her

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

But, she came out strong!


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