
Monday, May 21, 2007


We had a super fun weekend and came away from Kern with a bunch of goodies. This is just a few things the kitty people brought home. I would need a wide angle lens for the compete Velo Bella picture.

I heard that someone was trying to take this award from me. They were going to hide at the top of Woody and then wait until I went by just so I wouldn't be Latern Rouge again. How sweet is that? That same person waited for me on the Breckinridge hill climb too. I didn't like that climb at all but company made it more bearable. Thanks Andrea!

Another Kern has come and gone. It's hard to believe how the Kerns seem to be harder, but they keep getting more fun. This was by far the most enjoyable and rewarding Kern of them all. The Velo Bellas and the Bella Fellas were just so amazing. Its like an energy circle that just continues to feed on itself. Sustainable postive energy that is incredible to feel and be a be part of. I've heard the term economy of scale, and the teamwork we had this year is just that: efforts of scale. All of us pooling our efforts to achieve something larger than one individual effort. I know our team goal makes me race better and pull more out of myself.

A heartfelt thanks to Zsa Zsa for everything like when I get grouchy cuz' the keys are gone and for making sure I don't get dropped, Miss Mary for taking care of our nutritional needs and making sure we have less worries, Sa'Bella for being my energy expenditure reminder and for all that being on VeloBella means, Bunny for setting an awesome pace on Woody and keeping me in the race, LillyBella for your humor and for that push on Woody which was enough to keep me focused on the climb when I was drifting off into droppage land, Suenago for being Triki and for always being so encouraging, PAB aka CID for water when I was needing it the most and for all the cassette swapping which was so important during the hilliest part of the weekend, Olaf for encouraging words on the Woody climb when I was going so slow the flies were landing all over my arms, and Tyler for making sure our bikes were always where they should be either on the trainer or ready for the race with the race wheels on. The team effort helps me continue racing Kern and finishing. And, it makes me look forward to #12.


At 10:11 AM, Blogger marscat said...

just look at the difference between your last two posts...

At 10:24 AM, Blogger chatterbox said...

I'm glad you were able to use all the positive energy and have a great weekend! Those will be good moments to hold on to next time you are in a bad place. Congrats on #11!

At 10:30 AM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

marscat - huge diff huh? teamlove and endorphins...

chatterbox-you got that right...

At 10:46 AM, Blogger Velo Bella said...


You are the most graceful person I know. Inside and out.

And thanks for the fun going DOWN Breckenridge!

At 10:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

great job out there!

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

VB-Yes indeed, how could I have left out Breckinridge? That descent was right up there with the fun things!

Flandria-thanks and I hope you can be there for #12

At 11:37 AM, Blogger ~ lauren said...

i like those parting gifts!

good job!

At 12:01 PM, Blogger Allison Krasnow said...

Last year was my first Kern. I mentally gave up somwhere mid-hill climb after watching the entire field leave me behind and bonking when I then refused to eat or drink in my misery. RR was pretty much the same story. I was so ready to go home and stick to flat races where I could excell. Then, at the awards, I learned about you when you got your awards from Robert and realized how much more there was to bike racing than whether I got to the top of the hill climb with the pack. I was (and am) inspired by you and in my 2 years at Kern have been reminded that NorCal bike racing has some heros who have been racing their bikes for a long, long time. Thanks!

At 1:21 PM, Blogger EB said...

Yay! See, that's the award I was talking about :).

What do the t-shirts look like?

At 2:12 PM, Blogger marscat said...

alicat, so true.

At 7:20 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

lauren-yes, cool little mementos

alicat-that's a sweet comment, and you did really well this year and in a harder category too

panda-did you see the shirts yet?

At 7:00 AM, Blogger X Bunny said...

i'm a little far behind on blogs.....kern will do that to you.....anyways, it was great racing with us, as always!!

the shirts are blue tank-top with kokopelli bike people on it--cute


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