
Friday, October 24, 2008

there is food 24 x 7

But Minnie likes the wet stuff and hasn't been eating the dry food a lot. This weekend is gonna make for some hungry kitties. They're going get fed early in the morning Saturday and then late the next day. Gotta feel for them since they are used to eating multiple times a day. From these pictures, you'd think we starve the poor things. Not true.


At 8:44 AM, Blogger marscat said...

multiple feedings during the night too...

At 10:12 AM, Blogger Sacwheelgirl said...

The look on Minnie's face is so precious.

At 2:16 PM, Blogger Ippoc Amic said...

yes the cute look gets him a lot of feeding...and now the real secret of why daisy is big...her cuteness

At 9:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhhh. cuteness. that's why my husky has cankles now. And also her gumdrop nose. that's a huge factor in her cankles.!


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